Our Services

High quality support to clients

Residential Support

Our team operates alongside staff as well as provides one on one support to clients in residential facilities. In addition, our staff are hired by families to support their loved ones in residential and treatment care.
Our professional and skilled staff are also hired by residential and treatment centers to be part of their team to support their clients. In these capacities, staffs focus on providing a safe and caring environment while also offering opportunities for residents to maximise their independence and engage in ordinary living and community life. 

Client Behavioral Support

We support clients experiencing social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) difficulties. Through collaboration with the clients, their families, and key stakeholders, we support our clients in managing a wide range of behavioural challenges that they may experience.

We help them to understand and manage their behaviour – from anger management and bullying to self-esteem and assertiveness.

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Student program support

Our skilled staff are available to support schools and other institutions in managing students experiencing social and emotional difficulties.

Merrynath Support Services staff also fills in the gap for your company when employees are absent, on leave, or during staff turnover.

Respite Care

We provide short-term relief for primary caregivers. Respite can be arranged for several hours, days, or weeks.

Care can be provided at home, in a healthcare facility, at a day center or out in the community. Everything is personalized to the needs of the client. 

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Community Support

We work with individuals in their homes and residential homes to help them find a sense of independence.

We collaborate with our clients to determine their strengths, needs, abilities and preferences and identify the gaps where we can support them. 

Companionship Services

We provide companionship, emotional support, and friendship. Companionship has been identified to positively impact the mental and physical health and well-being of a person. In addition, the social interaction that one engages with others plays an essential factor in preventing isolation and loneliness among individuals.

Merrynath Support Service will aim to match you or your loved one with a staff who shares similar interests and personality traits. Our team can help you or your loved one meet new people, rediscover old hobbies, and discover new interests.

From helping you with shopping, going for coffee, or taking walks around your local area. We provide companionship by being there to support you or your loved one to do what makes you happy.

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Supervised Visitation

Our professional staff monitor visitation sessions to ensure the parents are providing developmentally appropriate parenting skills, experiences and are always providing physical and emotional safety. We also document the visitations. 

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